Actions & Skillgain 3x/4x
Alympia is a PVP world with a number of specially placed Zones which are PVE. Aside from these PVE zones there may be other areas/structures which are also considered PVE only - these will be marked with a GM posted sign. In some cases it may be possible to perform a PVP action in one of these zones - Doing so is still considered illegal.
Follow these simple rules:
1) Please consider the server PG rated. This means no perverse or offensive language is to be used on the freedom global, freedom or trade channels.
2) Follow direction of GM's at all times, this extends to written notices on signs or other game objects in the world.
3) Honour the spirit of the PVE areas. Do not try to cheat or otherwise circumvent any restriction or prohibited action within the confines of that PVE area, zone or structure.
4) Do not complain. If you wander out of the PVE zone and someone kills you, take a breath, have a drink, count to 10. Behave as a 'good sport' and others will respect you for it.
5) Do not hound or grief players in an repetitive manner. The point here isn't to force someone to quit, realize that everyone has a time investment here and give quarter where it is due.
Needless to say the world is overall a dangerous place. Out in the wilds always try to be inconspicuous and lock your cart/boat etc with the best lock you have. Be aware that if you die your corpse may be non-retrievable.
Here are some differences which sets Alympia apart from other servers:
Overall Alympia is PVP with PVE 'safe' zones, most other servers are PVE with PVP zones to fight in. Alympia is generally more dangerous.
Rift mobs have 3 specific areas where they can spawn, different rift materials have a chance to drop when killing these mobs.
Tweaked movement rules for vehicles and carts/wagons as well as for horses and unicorns.
Horses can traverse steep slopes, unicorns are even better.
Crafters in each PVE zone can help with imping some items, a different specialty is located in each zone to encourage travel - don't forget to take your coins.
The PVE zone towns of Mercia, Kinder Coast, and Farwatch by the Sea are NOT DEEDS. Many structures here are special GM creations and will not deteriorate. As such these areas do NOT have a token located within them. You can use the Token at Alympus 'where you start the game' if you need to deposit coins for safe keeping.
Teleportation Portals, are located at or near each PVE area, these can be used to move between PVE zones. Be AWARE that your horse, cart, wagon, etc will not teleport with you. All portals have hitching posts nearby. Ensure your horse is branded. The portals are there for your benefit - these are not meant to detract from normal modes of travel.
Due to the over world being PVP, some issues not typical have to be handled in a different manner. Horses must be either charmed or tamed to equip or unequip them with saddles or shoes. This is just the way it is. Horses that are tamed/charmed will become targets of hostile mobs. Be aware that your horse can die easily, I suggest armour and if you can - cast them with buffs.
Priest spells are divided into light and dark, following any god of light gets you all spells of the 'light' gods for example.
Higher favor limit (200) and no faith gain limitations.
More to follow...
Being this is an uncommon setup here are some possible first steps:
You can simply make a house within one of the PVE areas, make use of the guards and public facilities until you've gained enough skill to wander off into the wilds.
You can settle a deed within one of the PVE areas (please restrict your deed size to no more than 20x20 total. There is limited room and abuse will not be tolerated. This gives you the added privacy and permissions as well as your own bank token.
Wander out into the wilds. This is the most dangerous. It's suggested to have a boat, horse or large cart for mobility.
Within wild lands (no kingdom) there are no laws to protect you. You can build a house anywhere and lock it, but others may be able to lock pick the door and your chest. Since deeds can only be settled WITHIN a kingdom: You either must build a tower to 'expand' the domain of a kingdom or found your own kingdom. Kingdom towers outside PVE zones are conquerable by other kingdoms. PVP is for the wilds and against those of another kingdom, you might not want the guards attacking you!